Selger eiendommen din
Hvis du planlegger å selge huset ditt, en tomt eller noen form for næringseiendom i Spania, er det første grepet du bør gjøre å kontakte oss, spanske advokater, og vil beskytte deg og gjøre transaksjonen enkel.

Selling your property
If you are planning to sell your house, a plot of land or any kind of commercial property in Spain, the first move you should make is to contact with us, Spanish solicitors, and will protect you and make the transaction easy and straightfoward as possible and at the same time providing you with the FIRST CLASS SERVICE.
It is essential to take advice in order to minimise the Capital Gain Tax and submit the right Tax returns.
- Recommend you the best professional real estates agents, in this area, and they will chargue you minnimum commissions.
- Advise on the recommendations of the agent about the correct selling on the market.
- Arrange all the necessary documents to sell the property that the buyer will need.
- Advise you to reduce the Capital Gains Tax per the sale
- Assist you before the Public Notary or act on your behalf if you have gone away and cannot be in Spain to complete the sale.
- Our standard fee for carrying out this type of work is 0,75% of the sale price (including 16 % VAT). Normally in this area the other solicitors chargues 0.9% of the sale price.
For further information on our sale of real estate service, please do not hesitate to contact us at We will be pleased to study your particular case and help you to make a trouble free sale.
First of all: Are you really sure you want to sell? Do not let some temporary grievances induce you to take a decision that you may regret in the future. Consider this question very thoroughly. Even write down on a piece of paper the pros and cons of the sale of your property.
At the moment, the property prices in Spain are rising considerably, due to many buyers, both Spanish and foreigners, and a lack of properties for sale. If you bought your property some years ago, you may find that you make a good return on your investment by selling at todays prices.
Ta kontakt

Kontakt oss nå!
C/ Patricio Pérez 21 - 1ºA
03181 Torrevieja (Alicante), Spain

Våre tjenester tilbys av skandinavisk talende advokater og vi kan tilby et allt I ett konsept for våre ikke-residente klienter både når det gjelder brukte og nye boliger på Costa Blanca, Costa Calida og La Manga/Mar Menor.
Telefon: (0034) 96 570 96 56
C/ Patricio Pérez 21 - 1ºA
03181 Torrevieja (Alicante), Spain
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